18 December 2009
Hedgehogs, hedgehogs & more hedgehogs.
16 November 2009
Another year almost over.

31 October 2009
Ozzy on Autumnwatch
28 October 2009
Otter cub progress
18 October 2009
How's this for cuteness??

27 September 2009
Another otter in.....
8 September 2009
Swimming with humpback whales!
6 September 2009
Nearing the end of a busy season
The last cubs leaving here always seems to be a landmark for us at Vale - it marks the end of another busy spring & summer & the start of the quieter winter months when we can all take things a bit easier.

At the moment we have about a dozen baby & young grey squirrels in - not everyones favourite but we have no reds in this area (& no suitable habitat to support them) so they are no threat to them as they are in the few areas of red squirrels left in the country.

Quick Ozzy (the skunk) update - she is doing fine, putting on rather too much weight (we will have to put her on a diet soon!) & has now moved into her very plush, purpose-built apartment. She is really spoilt.
I would like to thank Gary Beers for taking these great pictures of my 2 muntjac fawns & one of our many grey squirrel youngsters.
21 August 2009
Not a good day today
9 August 2009
Snared badger released
4 August 2009
Ozzy update

25 July 2009
More support from our mystery benefactor.
21 July 2009
Still busy

15 July 2009
Video clip of our otter.
14 July 2009
13 July 2009
Otter update
12 July 2009
Beautiful creature....
12 June 2009
10 June 2009
2 Peregrine Falcons in one day!
2 June 2009
Hugh Warwick
22 May 2009
Help us to celebrate 25 years of wildlife rescue

6 May 2009
Leveret release 6 May 2009
3 May 2009
Badly injured muntjac fawn
Feeding him is the most difficult task as I have to be so careful when handling him because of his head injury and he gets so stressed when he is handled that it has been impossible to bottle feed him like the other two muntjacs we have. At the moment he has to be anaesthetised in order for us to tube feed him without causing him too much stress.
I will keep you updated on his progress and we are all keeping our fingers crossed but I am not getting my hopes up too much.
A word of warning...again. Please DO NOT feed bread to birds in your garden. We have had three cases lately where people have picked up a newly-fledged bird (when they should all have been left alone), and fed them bread for over 24 hours before bringing them in to us. Bread does them no good at all, in fact it can often kill a bird, especially if this is all it is fed. If a bird really does need rescuing, get it to a rescue centre immediately where it will be fed the correct food from the start.
22 April 2009
Babies, babies everywhere!!
9 April 2009
Natalie & Helen's Arctic Trek
We had another text this morning (they got a signal on the phone very briefly). They said it's been very hard, trekking about 50km every day, and is so cold at night that their sleeping bags and their hair freezes!
It is their last night under canvas tonight as tomorrow night they are in a hotel having their first shower and first proper meal for a week.
We are very proud of what they have done to help Vale - maybe it will inspire other people to undertake a sponsored event for us.
1 April 2009
Here we go....spring again!
13 March 2009
First 2009 Fox Cub
5 March 2009
Difficult times...please help!
12 February 2009
Countdown to the 'Mad Season'
One plea before the madness starts: Please, please if you think you have found an abandoned wildlife baby, ring your nearest wildlife centre for advice before picking it up. More often than not it will not have been abandoned but the parent will not come back to it while you are anywhere near. Many baby birds will spend several days on the ground when they first leave the nest, before they start to fly properly, deer fawns will be left sometimes for many hours while mum goes off to forage for food. They should not be touched.
A majority of the baby birds brought in to us have been caught by cats. Please try to keep cats in if you know there are baby birds around, but if your cat does manage to catch one, please take it to a rescue centre as soon as possible as it is vital that the bird receives antibiotics within a few hours for it to stand any chance of survival.
Please call us for advice if you have any concerns at all about wildlife, we will be happy to take your call and will give the best advice we can.