Vale Wildlife Hospital & Rehabilitation Centre

Wildlife First Aid Course

Are you interested in learning more about how to look after injured wildlife?

Our course, 'Basic Wildlife First Aid & Rehabilitation'

is now running regularly on-site in Beckford.

The 2-day course, run over a weekend will benefit you whether you

are looking to take up a career in wildlife rehabilitation or you just want to know
what to do if you come across an injured wildlife casualty one day.

The cost of the course is £95.

If you want more information or would like to book a place
or enquire about future dates for the course please
contact Caroline on 01386 882288 or email

5 March 2009

Difficult times...please help!

The recession is taking its toll on all charities although the larger ones often have large reserves to fall back on in difficult times.Small charities such as ours have no such safety net, and with donations down by about 30% so far this year, we are getting very worried for the future.Please help us to continue our work and to get through this financial nightmare.
Get all your friends to support us too.How about organising a fundraiser in aid of Vale? A sponsored event, a coffee morning, a jumble sale or some other way of raising a few pounds. Every little helps!
We will celebrate 25 years of helping Britain's wildlife in June, please help us to make sure we reach our 26th birthday too!!
Please call us for advice if you have any concerns at all about wildlife, we will be happy to take your call and will give the best advice we can.
Thank-you all for your support - please get everyone you know to support us and tell everyone about our 25th Anniversary Open Day on Sunday 07 June 2009.

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