Vale Wildlife Hospital & Rehabilitation Centre

Wildlife First Aid Course

Are you interested in learning more about how to look after injured wildlife?

Our course, 'Basic Wildlife First Aid & Rehabilitation'

is now running regularly on-site in Beckford.

The 2-day course, run over a weekend will benefit you whether you

are looking to take up a career in wildlife rehabilitation or you just want to know
what to do if you come across an injured wildlife casualty one day.

The cost of the course is £95.

If you want more information or would like to book a place
or enquire about future dates for the course please
contact Caroline on 01386 882288 or email

31 October 2009

Ozzy on Autumnwatch

I don't know how many of you watch Autumnwatch Unsprung, but if you were watching last night you would have seen Ozzy the skunk live on national TV. We arrived at the studios about two & a half hours before we went on (don't quite know why we had to be so early) & everyone wanted to see her so she spent all that time lapping up all the attention. She behaved impecably......until Kate Humble asked to hold her when we were live. She promptly pooped all over Kate! That is why they say you should never work with children or animals. I think that is the end of Ozzy's TV career!

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