Vale Wildlife Hospital & Rehabilitation Centre

Wildlife First Aid Course

Are you interested in learning more about how to look after injured wildlife?

Our course, 'Basic Wildlife First Aid & Rehabilitation'

is now running regularly on-site in Beckford.

The 2-day course, run over a weekend will benefit you whether you

are looking to take up a career in wildlife rehabilitation or you just want to know
what to do if you come across an injured wildlife casualty one day.

The cost of the course is £95.

If you want more information or would like to book a place
or enquire about future dates for the course please
contact Caroline on 01386 882288 or email

12 May 2010


Just to let you know that, as we now have a brand new website at which has its own News Page, this Blog will not be updated very often.
Vale News will be updated several times a week on the website & you can sign up to receive emails when news is posted.
There is loads of information on the site as well as many photographs which will be changed & added to on a regular basis.
Please stay in touch with Vale Wildlife by visiting our new website.

16 April 2010

New 'baby' season & new website!!

Well, things are getting much busier now in the Hospital with several fox cubs, a badger cub, a nest of baby robins, fledgling blackbirds, baby rabbits and more coming in every day.

If you want to keep up-to-date with what's going on, take a look (and join) our brand new website:

The site is easy to update so check back to it regularly to find out what's happening and what casualties we are treating at Vale. There will soon be a Members area on the website too so it's worth becoming a Member of Vale (you can print out a Membership form & even pay through the new site).

Take a look at it and let us know your thoughts. Our new email address is

27 March 2010

Sorry folks, have been neglecting my readers!

I know, I haven't posted on here for over a month now. I've been so busy at Vale that I just haven't had a chance to get on here. As well as this Blog, you can keep up-to-date with things on our Facebook Group so take a look at that too.

Firstly, I must acknowledge & thank our anonymous donor who I have written about before. We had thought that his/her amazing support had come to an end as our weekly donations stopped arriving. However, a couple of weeks ago, they started coming in again! These donations actually pay the wages of one Care Assistant at Vale so you can see just how valuable they have been to us & whoever you are, thank you so much & I only hope that support such as this keeps on coming.

We are just at the start of our busy season & we have a few babies coming in now: a muntjac fawn, a tawny owl chick that was found at the base of a tree but much too young to be out of the nest, three baby rabbits & we now have 2 fox cubs, one was only a few days old when she arrived 5 days ago (pictured) & the other one arrived today, found near a dead sibling but no sign of mum or the earth. I will try to keep this Blog more up-to-date about their progress.

16 February 2010

What we could do with a lottery win....

56 million pounds, the latest lottery windfall won by a Gloucestershire couple.
It's very difficult not to sound bitter - I am not bitter, it is just so sad that so many, many charities struggle to raise enough money to continue their work, and in our line of work I have seen many people forced to give up helping sick and injured wildlife because of the effects of the recession, and people win these absolutely ridiculous amounts of money. A life-changing amount is one thing, but these wins could be life-changing for so many more people and organisations, not just one person.
With our running costs as they stand at the moment, that win would pay for Vale for the next 224 years!! With a small part of it, we could build our Education Centre, buy all the equipment that we need, kit out the Hospital with new cages, pay decent wages, employ extra staff, I could go on and on - oh, and not have to spend all our time worrying about where the next month's running costs are going to come from!!
Perhaps I am just a little bitter - sorry!

30 January 2010

Pet food appeal

It's January, the quietest month of the year at Vale, but we are getting through around 600 tins of dog & cat food every single week! 90 hedgehogs plus foxes, gulls & corvids are all responsible for devouring so many tins.
Our shelves are almost empty & having to buy so much food at a time of year when fundraising is the hardest is draining our meagre rescources. Please help by sending a donation or by bringing in a few tins if you live close enough to us. Donations can also be made by visiting our website at
Please help us out at this difficult time.

7 January 2010

Winter wildlife

Give a thought to our poor wildlife in this freezing weather. We have had 2 call-outs so far today:
The first was to a cygnet in Pershore, sitting on ice looking decidedly unwell where it had been since at least the night before. I am surprised it survived the freezing night time temperatures. Our vet checked it over, its temperature was over 4 degrees lower than normal & it was very lethargic. Wildlife is having great difficulty finding food with everything covered in thick snow so please make sure that you are putting as much variety of food out as possible & don't forget the water too.
The cygnet was given 300mls of warmed fluids subcutaneously & is now in our nice warm brooder room where its temperature is gradually increasing.
The second call-out was to a muntjac deer fawn, a tiny little female aged about 3-4 days!! She weighs just over 1 kilo & had been caught by a dog. We cannot see any major injuries on her but she is in shock, one of the biggest killers of wildlife, especially deer. She has been tubed some milk replacer & is now in one of our intensive care brooders, slowly warming up. We will keep our fingers crossed for both of these winter casualties.