Things in the Hospital have now become much quieter, which is normal for the approach of winter. All the staff here can now breath a sigh of relief & take things a bit easier now the spring & summer rush has finished for another year.
Although the numbers of most species coming in has greatly reduced, we are still taking in a large number of hedgehogs but again, it is normal for us to have a lot of autumn juveniles in over the winter months. These are mainly ones which haven't managed to put enough weight on
to survive hibernation. They need to weigh well over 500gms as we get into the colder weather so if you are seeing any youngsters around it is worth giving them a quick weigh to make sure they are big enough. Also, if a hedgehog is out in the day, it is usually a sign that there is a problem, so pick him up, weigh him & then contact us or your nearest wildlife centre for advice.

It is now almost a year since we first started receiving our mystery, anonymous donations that I have written about before. Since we first started receiving them, a total of £8,540 has been very generously given by that person &, although we don't know who it is, we would like to thank him/her/them for their fantastic support, & I just hope that they are regular readers of this Blog.
Many thanks to you & also to everyone else who has given their support throughout the past, tough year. I just hope that 2010 proves to be a bit easier financially.