Vale Wildlife Hospital & Rehabilitation Centre

Wildlife First Aid Course

Are you interested in learning more about how to look after injured wildlife?

Our course, 'Basic Wildlife First Aid & Rehabilitation'

is now running regularly on-site in Beckford.

The 2-day course, run over a weekend will benefit you whether you

are looking to take up a career in wildlife rehabilitation or you just want to know
what to do if you come across an injured wildlife casualty one day.

The cost of the course is £95.

If you want more information or would like to book a place
or enquire about future dates for the course please
contact Caroline on 01386 882288 or email

5 June 2008

Baby season in full swing!!

The baby bird season is now well under way. Our Brooder Room, where all birds young enough to need hand feeding start off, is full to bursting with dozens of baby blue tits, great tits, robins, woodpeckers, blackbirds, thrushes, starlings, pigeons, jackdaws & more.
Feeding them is like painting the Forth Bridge - mouths gaping, calling for food, no sooner has someone finished one round of feeding, they have to start all over again. From 7am until late at night there is constant feeding going on in this room.
The smaller birds such as the tits, are fed every 15 minutes throughout the day & with nests full of 10 - 12 young in each, you can imagine the chaos.
We get dozens of calls every day from people who have found injured or abandoned birds & they want them to be collected.
Although we would love to be able to do this, for the animals sake, it is hard to make people understand that we just don't have the resources to collect all the casualties. If we responded to every call there would never be any staff in the Hospital to look after the hundreds of animals we have there!! We do have volunteers who will pick up casualties near to them, but a majority of people are at work all day & are only able to help out ocassionally.
A lot of people seem very reluctant to actually bring casualties to us & in these cases unfortunately there is often nothing that we can do. It is not that we don't care, just that we, & all other wildlife centres at this time of year, are so busy that it is impossible to leave the Hospital.
Anyone who would like to be a volunteer collector for us, bringing casualties in from around the area they live, please get in touch.